Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Writing Phobia!!!

Happy New Yr, It's not too late i hope? I know I started my blog and I abandoned it, Well you can't blame me, Confusion is a disaster!!!
I'm Happy to say there's a stronger and happier me,I look back now and I'm glad I went thru those emotions cos it helped me gain a better understanding of myself.
Well moving along cos that is definitely the last talk on this blog of pain, hurt, breakup, etc, (Baba God I hope you are reading this). I have started seeing someone else and pls before anyone says that why she's a stronger person , I totally disagree.
So 2008 was a yr of YES WE CAN'S, Gosh I feel so empowered every time I see Obama's Picture, lol and well I guess in my own little way i did my bit. I have decided to start blogging regularly becos I have a fear of writing really !!! as in anything, even just sending emails. Its crazy I still don't understand it, but i know it is affecting me at work , So I am hoping that with time, the blog and some classes I will be able to get over this "phobia". Its really not as if I can't express myself , I think I let fear of heaven knows what get a hold of me and I keep second guessing myself. If you really want to get me, Just ask me to do a write up on anything and you will see fear written all over my face. So I guess I'll take it in strides and see how it goes, Pls suggestions are sooooooooo welcomed.