Wednesday, September 30, 2009

From the Sun Shines outta my Ass to.......

I guess you are all wondering what my title is about. Well I will do the honours of telling. I broke up with Seth yesterday,It's been an on going storm and tried as much as possible for it to me a civil break up , but guess the dude had to tell me all the things he knew was wrong with me and that was one of them. THE SUN SHINES OUTTA YOUR ASS AND DON'T LET ANYONE TELL YOU DIFFERENTLY.
Cool I'm not mad at this , Its all good. So if I was so bad, why does he send me an email today apologising and asking me to BRING BACK THE SUNSHINE INTO HIS LIFE. Now I am worried, because I am confused as to where to get this sunshine from, Is it the one from my ASS?

Thinking about it over and over again, I agree I have a temper, but what kills me now is knowing he had no appreciation what so ever for anything and everything i did. I don't understand how some people can be so poor in their mind. Seriously, How can a grown man who thinks and believes he can lead a home utter such rubbish to me. How does he expect any woman at all to submit to him? Why do some men think just because they have balls BTW their thighs it gives them the right to dominate any woman and treat any thing she does as irrelevant? And one woman will wake up tomorrow and marry such and believe she has found a man. It is such a shame...............

With this experience, Ive come to Thank God, Because Ive come to realise that even when I thot he wasn't hearing me , He was indeed there every step of the way. I cant believe this idiot made me think i had all the issues. Thank God!!! Some men should be taken up to the northen part of Nigeria and Flogged till the Devil that has taken hold of them leaves them. This is why alot of women aren't nice to men at all. I can totally see where they are coming from. What the point of believing in a man, hoping and praying and giving it all uve got when he cant even see past his nose................