Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I'm So Excited

Wow, how are u all doing , Gosh it been a great start this yr God has been so faithful. I guess why u are all wondering why i am so excited, Ok shhhhhhhhhhhh its a little secret and a work in progress but i have decided to start a scholarship fund in memory of my grandma. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS,

I could almost scream my office down , but ohh well i need the money don't i? lol anywayz its been on my mind to do it and i feel like i am at the point in my life, where i should start , however small, but i beleive and have this huge vision for it.

Like i said earlier on i have had this thing in my head that has been pushing me , but what really helped me come to that decision was a child, actually a baby, Ihad seen the last time i went home,

she was with her older sisters and the oldest one couldn't have been more than 8 or 9 yrs old, and they had to babysit. The baby was crying and everything her sisters did didn't help, so i went over and carried her, Isuggested we gave her a bath, cos men the baby wasn't smelling good at all not that she pooped or anything but, i realised that even the bath didn't help so as i was dressing her up , i asked for her nappy and iw as given a piece of cloth which iw as supposed to tie round her butt, Ok people i was like huh, the piece of cloth was so light that if she has pooped or even peeied , it wouldn't have absorbed anything. So i asked for her food and the next thing i was given was an old feeding bottle that looked like it had fallen all over the place, it had pap that was cold and just not it.

Anywayz i helped them that day, But another picture flashed thru my head, and it was the image of a lady i had seen on the bus when i was in high school, breastfeeding her child, The mother and child had the worst rash i had ever seen in my life .

So my people i have decided to start a scholarship fund/ charity type thing, i know what i am going to call it and hope to officially lunch it before Summer.

Pls put me in ur prayers, I also have another project i am working , will blog about that later, don't want to jinx it. Lol

Take care.